Companies are always looking for ways to make their network infrastructure seamless, productive and efficient. Flexibility is becoming even more common in organizations today, and it’s easily attainable with the right IT infrastructure. While a wireless infrastructure may be an attractive solution on the surface, many companies realize they’ve made a critical mistake when they decide to go completely wireless. There are still plenty of benefits to having a wired network infrastructure. Here are some of the top factors to consider for both wireless and wired networks.
Why Wireless Solutions Are Attractive
Wireless solutions offer potential cost savings, enhanced protocols and processes and efficient workflows. These solutions also allow for growth when it comes to incorporating IoT devices, which is becoming more common in workplaces every day. This flexibility is a convenient attribute of a wireless network infrastructure, but there are still many reasons why going completely wireless isn’t the best idea.
Wired Networks Offer Better Reliability
Ask any company what the most important attributes of their IT infrastructure are and they will likely rank speed and reliability near the top of the list. Flexibility and mobility are also important characteristics. The organizations that have a combination of all of these usually have a wired network infrastructure. The reliability, security, flexibility and speed offered by wired networks simply can’t be matched by wireless equipment. As data centers continue working to keep up with the demand for wireless bandwidth, there’s always going to be a place for wired infrastructures.
Wireless and Wired Infrastructures Rely On Each Other
Companies that want to have wireless capabilities will make the most of their IT infrastructure by also having a cabled network. These two feed off of one another to make systems and processes more efficient. For example, using an IoT device wirelessly is a convenient way of doing business today. But an overlooked component of IoT is the data gathered comes from wired networks. So without the cabled infrastructure, IoT devices will be unreliable and potentially useless. The future of network infrastructures will continue evolving, but for now, wired and wireless networks depend heavily on one another.
Anistar Technologies can help your company get on the right track to implementing the network infrastructure that fits your needs. We have access to some of the top professionals looking for cable tech jobs, so you can ensure you get exactly what you need. The combination of wired and wireless technology is most efficient today for organizations, and this combination allows for more flexibility later on as your company grows. To learn more about the different factors that go into your network infrastructure, feel free to contact us at any time.