As the gig economy continues growing rapidly by the year, companies have to at least take a close look and see how it could fit into their organization. For some companies that don’t necessarily require their employees to be tied to their desk all day, hiring gig workers may make perfect sense. In other situations, companies may need an experienced AV integrator for a specific project, but don’t necessarily need them long-term. While these are the convenient aspects of the gig economy for business owners, here are some of the challenges you could experience as well.
Difficulty With Collaboration
Collaboration is important for network engineers and virtually any position dealing with IT. Organizations with a full in-house staff often have a hard time collaborating, and this is even more challenging when you have gig economy workers to mix in as well. Connecting gig workers with full-time staff members isn’t necessarily the biggest challenge because of the technology we have available at our fingertips. Not being familiar with one another since gig workers aren’t in the office every day can present some challenges, though.
Establishing And Maintaining A Solid Workplace Culture
A good workplace culture makes a company attractive to top talent today. If a significant portion of your workers come from the gig economy, then it’s difficult to establish and maintain the culture you want. It could signify to current and prospective employees that your long-term vision isn’t clear and you are simply hiring gig workers to stay afloat. Hiring security systems technicians on a short-term basis to complete a project is one thing. Hiring long-term contractors working remotely instead of requiring them to be in the office could impact your overall culture.
Creating Roles Suitable For Gig Workers
Business owners can make the most of gig workers by listing out potential roles they could offer and keeping those roles separate from full-time employees. For example, if you believe it’s valuable for your network engineers to be in-house, then only hire full-time employees to fill those positions. On the other hand, it may make sense to hire an AV integrator for a specific short-term gig rather than bringing them on full-time and not having enough work for them in the long-term. These defined roles can be hard to sort through, but the structure of your company will benefit from it when you take the time to do so.
At Anistar Technologies, we help companies balance the challenges they have with staffing. Every business owner is conscious of their budget, so hiring gig workers for short-term projects makes sense in many situations. We can help you look at and evaluate every position in your organization and determine whether you would benefit more from a gig worker or a full-time employee. Then we will take the next step and present you with suitable candidates to fill those roles. Feel free to contact us at any time to get the process started.