Business owners are often attracted to the idea of having completely wireless networks. However, when you take a closer look at the benefits and disadvantages, it’s usually clear to see why wired networks are a necessity. Experts who have VoIP engineer jobs typically are just as knowledgeable about wireless networks as they are wired networks, so they can help you get up and running most efficiently with both types. Here are some of the main requirements you’ll need to get your wired network going.
The Right Router
The proper router is needed for wired networks. The router you may have for your wireless network may or may not be sufficient, so it’s valuable to discuss your options with a VoIP engineer to be sure. You need a router with enough ports to be able to connect all your computers and devices to it, which many wireless routers don’t have. This piece of equipment is one of the most important to invest in, and your VoIP engineer can make sure you have the right one to handle your business needs.
Quality Ethernet Cables
Not all ethernet cables are created equally. Some have the ability to have higher bandwidths, allow for more speed and so on. If you have a VoIP system, you likely want the most speed and reliability possible, so investing in quality ethernet cables will get you there. The cables themselves will connect every computer in your office to the router mentioned previously. If you’re unsure about what attributes you need to be looking for in an ethernet cable, a good VoIP engineer can evaluate your needs and make the proper recommendations.
A Network Adapter For Every Computer
If you want a computer to be connected to the wired network you’ve established, then you’ll need a network adapter for it. The good news is many of the computers you buy today already have network adapters installed, so all they have to do is be configured to your specific network to get them up and running. But if for some reason the computers you have don’t have a network adapter, then you’ll simply need to go purchase one.
Anistar Technologies can help companies of all sizes get their wired networks operating smoothly from the very beginning. Working with an experienced VoIP engineer is valuable, since they will look at your current requirements to determine what exactly you need. They will also ask you about your future plans so they can keep scalability in mind, should an opportunity for expansion arise. Finding the right professional to help you set up your wired network can be a daunting task, but not when you work with us. When you contact us, we will find the perfect fit based on your needs so the entire process will be quick, easy and painless.