The structured cabling in an organization is critical for its performance and efficiency. An as-built is important to have and always keep handy, as it is essentially the blueprint for your network infrastructure. If the structured cabling company does not provide you with an as-built when they are in the design phase, as well as give you a hard copy after the installation is complete, you should ask for one to keep in your records. Here’s why it’s important to have.
Importance of As-Builts Before Beginning a Project
With so many different moving parts and things to consider with a network infrastructure, having a full layout on paper is valuable for all parties involved. When you discuss with the experts exactly what your requirements are, you can ensure they understood you correctly when you review the as-built. Specifically, take a close look at all of the data ports and other ports on the blueprint. If any changes need to be made, then they need to be requested before the installation begins.
Companies Refer To As-Builts Throughout Construction
Once an as-built is approved, the structured cabling company will refer back to it during the construction phase. There may be other experts working on the construction other than the person who designed the as-built, so it ensures everyone is on the same page. If anything is unclear, the project manager may ask you for clarification so having a full understanding of your network infrastructure is important.
An As-Built is The Map For Future Improvements
Once the structured cabling company is done with the installation, be sure to review the as-built again to ensure all components are installed correctly and at the exact locations as indicated on the blueprint. If anything is unclear, don’t hesitate to get clarification since your as-built will essentially be your road map for future changes or improvements to your network infrastructure. Anyone with IT networking jobs will need to refer to the as-built to troubleshoot any issues in the future as well.
Anistar Technologies understands the complexities of a network infrastructure and why it’s so important to work with reliable experts. We have access to some of the top professionals across the country to help you with any needs you may have. Structured cabling is the backbone of any organization, so it’s critical to have it done correctly the first time. If you have any questions or concerns about your current network infrastructure, contact us today and we can connect you with an expert to help.